Sunday, November 1, 2009

Today's Statements

We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile discovery
couldn't have been made.-Albert Einstein
one who can't ride the horse given to him, but seeks another one, is neither brave nor valiant.
You have spoken to me the most confidential and supreme subject of the inner self by which my delusion has gone.-Arjuna to Krishna.
You have to believe in yourselves when no one else does.This is what makes you winner-Venus Williams
Love is an art like music-
Pierre Lou s
Yedyurappa gets a breather, but dissidents want him out.-The Hindu
BJP came in support of beleaguered CM of Karnataka
yedyurappa said his supports, but the dissidents continued to campaign for his removal.
Imagination is everything.It's the preview of life's coming attractions.-Einstein
China's newest export-Sex crimes
valiant(Adj):very brave or bravely determined under difficult condition or in situation which
doesn't give any cause for hope.

delusion(N):When some one believes something which is not true.
Eg:He is under the delusion that he will be getting promotion this year.

illusion(N):an idea or belief which is not true.

dissident(N):one who publicly disagrees with and criticize their government.
Eg: political dissidents

beleaguered(Adj):troubled by someone or a situation
Rosaiah,the bealeaguered CM of AP accepted the resignation of minister.

breather(N): a brief rest
Eg:He'd been working hard and felt he needed a breather.

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