Saturday, October 31, 2009

Statements that caught my attention today!

Women inspire us to do great things and prevent us from achieving them...-Facebook
As rocky BJP government gasps, Gowda smells a chance.-Times of India
Most of the guests who met Bush found him charming.My guess is that many of them would have found Saddam charming too.-Rajdeep sardesai
Bush is a interesting paradox.The Muslim world hates him ,he lost his appeal to his country
but seemed to be loved by Indians.-Rajdeep sardesai
I am not against Muslims but hate those who use religion to spread terror.-Georg W Bush
Just finished dinner and waiting for dessert.-Twitter
Reality is an illusion created due to lack of alcohol-Vijay Mallaya
1.Gasps:to take a quick short breath with mouth because of pain,shock or surprise.
to want or need something very much
Eg:He is gasping to smoke/drink.
He gave of gasp of amazement.
He took a gasp after seeing his favourite star.

2.Charm(N):a quality that makes you like or feel attracted to someone or something
(V):to attract someone or persuade some one to do something because of your charm
Eg:We are charmed by his boyish manner.
woman of great charm.

3.Paradox:a statement or situation that is impossible or difficult to understand because of having the opposite facts or characteristics.
Eg:It's a curious paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty.

4.appeal(attract):to interest or attract someone
appealing:interesting or attracting.
Eg:She had a nice smile and appealing personality.
Eg:After the advent of 2020, one day cricket is not appealing to me.
(request):when a lot of people are asked to give money,information or help.
Eg:Police appealed the people to give any information about the terrorists.
They are launching a appeal to raise money to flood victims.

5.dessert:sweet food taken at the end of the meal.
Eg:Vanilla cake makes a perfect dessert.
If you make the main course, i will make a dessert.

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